
woensdag 9 maart 2011


It was the day for Women yesterday!
We couldn't write about it yesterday, so we are going to write some facts today. 

Do you know why women are faster cold than men?
The fat is by women equally divided over the body. The blood flows easy to the important places in our body like our organs, that's why the hands and feet are cold. 

Why does it become that women doesn't ogle a person?
A woman doesn't need to look at the whole body from head to toe and left to right. When she looks at a person, she can get a total impression of the body. The man has to look everywhere till he gets an impression of the body.

Why are women better in hearing than men?
From nature a woman can hear better than a man. The woman has to hear the baby while the baby is crying in the night. This is proved with many tests. It is also a fact that woman can feel better the emotions and the changes in the mood in the voice.

Here are some facts :
women blink their eyelashes twice more than a man.
women spend 2,2 years of their lives in the bathroom
The average life expectancy is higher for a woman than a man in every country

Now you know a lot about woman. Do you like this post? Tell us!

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