
maandag 14 maart 2011

There's too little time...

You think it's nice to have many things you like? You'll always have something to do and you'll never get bored? Well, the last thing is undoubtedly true, you'll never get bored... Because you constantly have to think about what you want to do with your life!

I have, for example, several options.

I could also try to become an actress, which I would looove to do. I should take acting lessons, do a 100 auditions, get declined 99 times, and that's when I'm lucky.

I could also try to become a singer, because I love to sing. In order to do that, I should overcome my fear of singing in public; take singing lessons; film myself and put it on the internet, to start a Justin Bieber/Esmee Denters effect; send demo's to record company's; get declined a 10000 times; etc. etc.

I could just go studying. But pff... For what? To become a doctor? Psychologist? Or should I study a language, or something with culture or art?

Or, I can just move to Kenya to help all the poor little children over there...

Wait, perhaps I can become a writer! I can start up my own magazine. But that would be terribly expensive and it would be so hard to be original, because there are so many magazines already... But then I can just write a book. But who's going to publish it?

I could do something with fashion, or become a musician...

Whaaaaaaa so many choices! I actually want to do it all.... But there's just too little time.
By Lis

1 opmerking:

  1. hoi!

    ik wou even zeggen dat ik voortaan
    te vinden ben op; !


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