
dinsdag 12 april 2011

Alone, even when everyone's around

Wow, Nis has done a great job with our new background don't you think? Yes, she is the one who changed it, I've been superbusy lately... So, my dear 16 followers, and other readers of course, I thought it was time for me to post something too!

First, I want to show you a picture which was taken when I had my theater 'presentation'. I love it, because everyone around me is moving and I'm standing still. Don't think I'm arrogant, i just like the picture :)

What do you think of it?

Secondly, I want to tell you about our new weekly post which will be about style icons.
We will post the first one in a few days, and the girl we'll be writing about is still a surprise!

But we also need your opinion. Who is your style icon? Tell us, and we might post about her. Or him, who knows? :) Thanks! xxx

8 opmerkingen:

  1. I adore that picture of you!!!! It is like you are just taking it all in while the world moved at a crazy pace around you :) icon you say...Zoey Deschanel comes to mind instantly! ;)

  2. Dankjewel !
    Ik heb niet echt een stylicoon x)

  3. bedankt dat mijn blog op jouw blog staat!
    echt super leuk van je.
    wil je mn enquete eventjes invullen?
    en ik heb nog een vraagje,
    hoe krijg je die verschillende onderwerpen,
    onder je titel?
    ik snap niet hoe je dat doet.
    heel veel liefsss. !

  4. Wow het lijkt net bewerkt! Echt heel gaaf

  5. ahh die foto is echt geniaal /


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